Supplementary Components1. and control effector Compact disc8+ T-cell differentiation in response to MCMV, which ultimately resulted in biased memory T-cell precursor formation in Dk mice. In contrast, CD8+ T-cells accrued more slowly in non-Dk mice, and eventually differentiated into terminal effector cells regardless of CD27 stimulation. Disparity in this requirement for CD27 signaling indicates that specific virus control mediated by NK cells can shape DC co-stimulatory signals needed to prime CD8+ T cells and eventual T-cell fate decisions. treatments were approved by the University of Virginia Animal Care and Use Committee (Protocol Number: #3050). Mice All mice used in this buy Abiraterone study were bred and maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions at the University of Virginia. C57L-derived MHC I Dk congenic (R7) and Dk transgenic (L.Tg1 and L.Tg3) mouse strains were described previously (21, 22). C57Bl/6 (B6).(NKC(NKC(CD27 KO) buy Abiraterone and B6.(CD27 KO-Dk) mice. CD27 KO mice, which had been previously backcrossed to B6 from 129/P2Ola-founders, retain a CD27-linked NKCon chromosome 6 buy Abiraterone (33, 40) and were kindly provided by Jannie Borst (The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands) via Ross Kedl (University of Colorado-Denver, CO, USA) (44). Importantly, haplotypes in 129 and C57L are highly related (45), alleles in 129 and C57L mice are identical (21, 46), and both G2 receptors specifically bind Dk (47). CD27 KO mice were thus crossed to B6.Dk mice (a by-product of NKC(CD27 KO-Dk) mice. Of note, both 129- and C57L-derived NKC haplotypes lack a gene and, consequently, Ly49H+ NK-mediated MCMV resistance. All mice in this study were managed using a Colony Management System (Jackson Labs, JCMS Access, Version 6.1.9). All protocols were approved by the IACUC. Virus infection and antibody treatments Smith FANCD1 strain MCMV salivary buy Abiraterone gland stock virus (SGV) was prepared and titered on NIH-3T3 cell monolayers as described (26). SGV was administered via i.p. injection of 2104 PFU. Where indicated, neutralizing mAbs specific for CD70 (mAb FR70; 250 g/dose i.p. injected on 0, 2 and 4 d after infection), CD80 (mAb 16-10A1, BioXCell; 200 g/dose i.p. injected on 0 and 3 d after infection), CD86 (mAb GL1, BioXCell; 200 g/dose i.p. injected on 0 and 3 d after infection), and CD40L (mAb MR1, BioXCell; 250 g/dose on 0, 2 and 4 d after infection) were administered. For G2+ NK cell depletions, 200 g mAb AT8 or mAb 4D11 were i.p. injected 2 d prior and on the day of infection. For CD4+ T-cell depletions, 200 g of mAb GK1.5 were i.p. injected on d 5, 4, and 0 before infection. Control IgG from rat serum (Sigma Life Sciences) or Syrian Hamster serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc.) was administered in equivalent dose regimens, accordingly. Lymphocyte depletions exceeded 95C99% efficiency. Flow cytometry and antibodies Spleens were harvested from mice at the indicated time points postinfection and homogenized into single cell suspension through nylon cell strainers (Falcon Corning Brand; Life Sciences). Analyses of dendritic cells required additional processing with Collagenase D (0.5 mg/mL; Roche), as previously described (48). Single cell suspensions were pre-blocked with Fc receptor blocking antibody (24G2; UVA Lymphocyte Culture Center, Charlottesville, VA). All antibody incubations were performed on ice, and cells were washed with PBS or sorting buffer after each stain. Labeled.